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Nordic Northwest Board of Directors Meeting Summary

Tom Sollitt, the new Program and Exhibit Manager was introduced. Alex Tinker was appointed to serve on the volunteer Governance Committee. The organization’s bylaws were amended, changing the officer terms of the Immediate Past President to a one-year term and the Secretary and Treasurer to a two-year term. The Treasurer duties were also amended. Kathi Ketcheson was elected as Secretary to a two-year term beginning April 1, 2025. The organization adopted a staff compensation philosophy.

Results of ScanFair and the Board Challenge campaign were discussed and feedback given. Michael Panhorst, a volunteer on the Fogelbo Heritage committee, presented a preliminary assessment of the scope and nature of the Ross Fogelquist Trust Collection. The Board discussed follow-up activities from the January Board Retreat to develop a three-year strategic plan and the upcoming annul plan.  


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