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August 2024 Nordic Northwest Board of Directors Meeting Highlights

The Board of Directors is honored to add Laura Andersen to the Nordic Northwest Board with her term beginning October 1. Laura is a Portfolio Manager, AVP at Columbia Bank and has been serving on Nordic Northwest Finance Committee. Volunteers Brian Dohe joined the Development committee and Erik Kiaer was appointed to the Program committee. Board Member Paul Tuomi was appointed the Facilities Committee Chair-elect.

Karin Wandtke, CPA with McDonald Jacobs reported on the review of FYE 3.31.2024 financial statements. During the review there were no findings or material adjustments. Nordic Northwest had a slight operating surplus and a $406,626 change in net assets. To review the financial report, please visit the website. July financial statements were approved and for the first four months of the fiscal year performance is better than budgeted. 

The Board of Directors approved updates to the Access to Records & Record Retention/Destruction, Conflict of Interest, Cash Disbursements and Whistleblower Protections policies. A new Signage and Paperless policy was approved to achieve a unified brand, consistency, simplicity and aesthetic for signage on the Nordic Northwest campus, while providing useful information that best meets the needs of its community/visitors. In addition to providing recognition, cultural interpretation, wayfinding, and promotion of activities. This policy supports our mission and aligns with our values of sustainable and green environmental practices.

The Board was presented information and had discussions on several topics: Oregon Midsummer Festival results; Board Challenge Campaign; Findings and actions on the Safety and Security Audit; concept of Replacement Reserves and Annual Plan first quarter updates. Funding for a Human Resource project was approved and an insurance renewal. Member Greta Hein requested display of a tapestry woven by her mother Kaino Ojala to the Board.


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