Ross Fogelquist
Ross was one of the five original founders of the Scandinavian Heritage Foundation in 1984. He was also a founder of ScanFair, the Swedish Language camp Trollbacken, Swedish Roots In Oregon, and one of the founders of New Sweden Cultural Heritage Society and The Swedish Saturday School. Ross is a member of The Swedish Society of Linnea and Harmony Lodge, Order of Vasa. He is a past President of the Scandinavian Club and the Oregon Chapter of The American Scandinavian Foundation, and New Sweden Cultural Society. In 1985 Ross was knighted by the King of Sweden as a Knight of the Royal Order of the Polar Star First Class. Ross also served as the Swedish Vice Consul and Acting Consul between 1994 and 2007. His estate, Fogelbo, which can be seen from the windows of Nordia House was deeded to Nordic Northwest in 2015. He was voted the Emeritus member of the board in May 2017. His hobbies include genealogy, collecting and inventorying the history of Scandinavians in Oregon, and gardening.